My blog
- How I read things on the Internet now (no, of course I don't leave the terminal!). I've been sprucing up how I follow what's happening on the Internet. I can now read all the things I want to read pretty efficiently, and enjoy doing it, which is exciting. Added:
- Questions I have about sex. Mark Vernon got me thinking about how the Church’s teaching on sex may be evolving. Added:
- What do academics think LLM ‘hallucination’ means?. What does the word ‘hallucination’ actually mean in reference to LLMs when used by academics? And where does that word come from? I’ve trawled the academic literature for answers. Added:
- Doctor Who, Gayness, and the Church. Series 14 of Doctor Who has a schizophrenic relationship with Christianity. It’s also gay. I think there might be a connection. Added:
- LLMs do not understand anything. Save this for the next time someone tells you that LLMs 'understand' things. Added:
- How I made YouTube work for me. I just learned YouTube channels have an RSS feed. This is terrific news. Added:
- God Is Not Great, initial thoughts. My spark notes on Hitchen's classic 2007 polemic against religion, plus some initial thoughts on how I want to respond to it. Added:
- Who consecrates the tabernacle? (Ex 29). A quick, cursory and possibly completely rubbish observation I've made on Exodus 29. Added:
- Tracking pixels. Concerning a notice in the privacy policy of an HR app Added:
- Why Easter is the best week of the year. Based on a talk given to my colleagues at Scott Logic for Maundy Thursday, 2024. Added:
- Harari’s Sapiens on Religion. In which I discuss why I think Harari’s characterisation of religion is inadequate because it’s too materialistic. Added: