God Is Not Great, initial thoughts

My spark notes on Hitchen's classic 2007 polemic against religion, plus some initial thoughts on how I want to respond to it.

These are my ‘spark notes’ on God Is Not Great, Christopher Hitchen’s classic 2007 polemic against religion in all its forms, and call to adopt secular humanism as its rightful replacement.

The book can be coherently read as a collection of independent essays. That said, with a few exceptions, each chapter in God Is Not Great contributes to one of three main themes, and I think this is a helpful way of summarising the overall movement of the book. The three themes I’ve identified are as follows:

  1. Religion is evil
  2. Religion is untrue
  3. Secular humanism is a better alternative to religion

As for the exceptions: Chapters 13 and 17 in part contribute to both the first theme and the third, while Chapters 1, 3, 12 and 14 don’t fit into these broad themes, and are self-standing.

1. Religion is evil

2. Religion is untrue

3. Secular humanism is a better alternative to religion

The odds and ends

I would be interested to try writing apologetic and/or evangelistic responses to these ideas. But it’s not a priority for me right now. Anyway, if I ever want to come back to it, I’ll probably come back to these spark notes to give me a head start.